Lost camera returned via social media

Canon found on seabed – not the historical kind, the EOS kind

Author: Pat
3rd February 2012

A diver who discovered a lost DSLR camera managed to track down the owner via social media.

Markus Thompson discovered the Canon EOS 1000D whilst scuba diving near Vancouver in British Columbia.

Although the camera was beyond help, Markus managed to recover 50 photos from the SD card.

Intrigued, he posted pictures and a description of the camera onto new Facebook rival, Google+.

Apparently he wrote: “If you know a fire fighter from British Columbia whose team won the Pacific Regional Firefit competition, has a lovely wife and (now) 2 year old daughter – let me know. I would love to get them their vacation photos.”

Within 24 hours someone had recognised the (fairly exacting) description and put Markus in touch with the camera’s owner.

It turns out the Canon had taken its fatal dive overboard in August 2010, or more than 12 months previously.

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